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Смърт на чужденец, ЕООД и имот

Смърт на чужденец, ЕООД и имот

Мнениеот bpetya » 09 Мар 2009, 12:00

Здравейте, някой имал ли е случай като този? Жената собственик и управител на ЕООД почина и остави съпругът си в безисходица. Неможе да извади удостоверение за наследници от Англия, защото такъв документ там не съществува. Някой имал ли е такъв случай - ако направи декларация пред Нотариус, че нямат наследници, ще приемат ли това в Търговският Регистър или не?
Нов потребител
Мнения: 3
Регистриран на: 09 Мар 2009, 11:35

Re: Смърт на чужденец, ЕООД и имот

Мнениеот diaida » 09 Мар 2009, 15:54

Неможе да извади удостоверение за наследници от Англия, защото такъв документ там не съществува.

Мисля, че за издаване на подобно удостоверение за наследници в Англия ще трябва да се свържете с юриста на Sub Registrar Office - Great Britain и да обясните, че ви трябва Heirship Certificate.

ето нещо по въпроса, но най-добре ще ви обяснят от там

As already stated, in principle we agree that change is required in order to
harmonise the conflicts rules. However, we have identified a number of
problems in seeking to conceive how elements of these proposals will be
applied. Particularly we have looked at the mechanics of how the changes
could be introduced in England and Wales.
For example, we propose that the question of the introduction of the register
of wills and certificates of heirship should be postponed until the
harmonisation of the conflict rules has had time to settle and lawyers in
different jurisdictions have had time to become familiar with the mechanics of
the new system.
To give an example of a potential problem that could occur if everything
came into effect immediately, we know that in civil systems a certificate of
heirship is used by relatives of the deceased to prove title to asset holders.
The asset holders will accept the claims of relatives to assets on production of
the certificate of heirship. However, in the English and Welsh system, it is
the probate registries of the High Court that issue grants of representation to
executors or administrators (who may or may not be heirs) and this grant of
representation is produced to asset holders before title is transferred to the
executor or administrator and then on to the heirs. In England and Wales
local lawyers do not certify entitlement to assets. It is the practice that the
court performs this function. Given the common law tradition it is easy to
see that local lawyers would be uncomfortable dealing with a European
certificate which might require the lawyer to deal directly with heirs. A
solution might be to allow the English and Welsh courts (the probate registries
could perform this function) to produce a notarial certificate which would be
recognised throughout the European Union.
In our view English and Welsh asset holders (such as banks) and their
lawyers would be uncomfortable dealing with a European certificate, unless
there is court endorsement allowing assets holders to be confident that
property is released to those properly entitled, who will also settle any tax
liability before withdrawing assets from the jurisdiction.
Asset holders such
as banks would also have to introduce systems that would help them verify
the identity of heirs claiming assets that would satisfy the requirements of
anti-money laundering and similar legislation.
Изображение http://www.save-darina.org ...Остава аромат и в ръката, подарила розата! http://vbox7.com/play:cb237e95
Активен потребител
Мнения: 2595
Регистриран на: 21 Май 2007, 14:57
Местоположение: Sofia

Re: Смърт на чужденец, ЕООД и имот

Мнениеот vesselina11 » 01 Яну 2010, 18:47

Здравейте, не можах да направя връзка с личен мейл, дано прочетете това съобщение. За съжаление имам аналогичен проблем като ввашия, бихте ли ми казали дали намерихте решение на този голям проблем?
Младши потребител
Мнения: 11
Регистриран на: 30 Ное 2009, 19:40

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